March 22, 2022

Gear Up Your Spring Lawn Clean Up

Gear Up Your Spring Lawn Clean Up

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It’s mid-march already, the snow has melted away and spring is here now. Lawns need some TLC (tender loving care) and it’s time to add spring clean-up services to your lawn care company.This checklist is not only for lawn care companies but also for homeowners who are looking to answer how do I clean my lawn in the spring and understand what is happening to their lawn or what yard care they need this spring.If you’re just starting your business, here is an article on how to start your own lawn care company.


Raking is nature’s spring wake-up call. This is the first thing you need to do as a part of your spring clean-up package to prepare lawns for fresh growth.

Early spring raking removes the lingering leaves that did not survive winter, but its primary task is to remove thatch. Raking deeply and thoroughly helps break up any remnants of turf grass from the previous growing season. Whether you are deploying the power rake method or dethatching the old-fashioned way, it is the first step towards your annual spring clean-up.Watch this DIY video to understand how to do power raking on a lawn.


A vital step to a truly healthy lawn, aeration is the perfect solution for compacted soil. Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes and removing plugs of soil and grass to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate down to the roots. This helps the grassroots grow deeply and produces stronger, more vigorous blades of grass.

Compacted soils not only prevent proper air circulation but also reduce the amount of water and nutrients that reach the root system. Aeration also helps break up layers of thatch that may lie against the soil, beneath standing blades of grass.


The brutal winter left bare spots on lawns from salt or snow mold, or maybe they appeared last summer and were not taken care of. The springtime is a great time to take care of those dead patches of grass. Seeding is a process where grass seed is added to either virgin soil or extremely bare or worn areas of turf or lawns.Seeding your lawn will make it appear beautiful and lush again! Make sure you allow the seeds to grow without harsh treatments, so avoid putting any herbicides on your lawn for about 60 days after seeding. Meanwhile, keep the seeded area moist while it is beginning to grow.

For overseeding a lawn, you add grass seed to a lawn that already has grass growing. The idea is to make the grass denser or thicker while leaving the soil and the current grass in the place. It will add green to your lawn and create thicker grass throughout. This helps the turf to last longer and stay healthy. This process reduces the aging process or natural decline of the turf.

With good quality and highly efficient over-seeder, you can renovate tired and thin turf in no time at all.


It's time to get out the lawnmower. Start it up; stubborn start-ups are a sign that it might be due for a tune-up.

You can start your lawn mowing as soon as you notice a growth on your lawn. The aim is to remove dead, matted grass and debris, while leaving a canopy of grass blades over the soil, covering weed seeds. While it makes sense to clean the debris and rake off the dead, matted grass, mowing too soon can be a mistake.Late March is usually the right time in the northern parts of the country, and this is when you can mow at the highest setting of the lawnmower. As the grass turns green, you can move to a weekly mowing schedule.


Spring is a great time to fertilize your lawn because of its high rate of fresh growth. Like a child growing rapidly, the grass consumes nutrients at a much faster rate than normal.

Early and late spring are both ideal times to fertilize. Just remember to give the nutrients a chance to be absorbed before you mow, so time accordingly. After being covered in heavy snow, your grass is going to be hungry in the early spring. Fertilizer provides your lawn with vital nutrients that are not found naturally in your soil.Fertilize lawns organically by topdressing with compost or using a mulching mower to chop lawn clippings into a nourishing source of nitrogen.

Experts recommend a lighter feeding in spring and a heavier one in late fall for cool-season grasses. Too much fertilizer in spring can lead to disease and weed problems, and if you fertilized in late fall your lawn still has fertilizer to feed on in spring.

Weed Control

Weeds, they are everywhere! Some weeds are as pretty as dandelions or white clovers, however, they are also very invasive. They take up nutrients and water that your grass needs to stay healthy and are like parasites on your lawn.

So, although they will look pretty and harmless, it is important that you simply get rid of them. When you notice a weed problem, address it ASAP because, before you know it, it will have spread everywhere! When you choose a lawn care company for your spring clean-up services, look for a local company that will handle weed control touch-ups as soon as possible.


Now that the spring is here, pruning is a necessary element in the landscape maintenance process. It is essential for many reasons, which include easing freeze damage, promoting fresh growth, and eliminating any safety issues such as roadway and sidewalk visibility.

Focus on fixing the damage the cold has left behind. For plants that received extensive damage from this winter, it is necessary to prune the burned leaves and stems back to a few inches above the ground. Proper pruning also helps promote recent growth, and now is the best time to perform such pruning, which is also called spring rejuvenation pruning.

Pruning is important for the overall health and aesthetic appearance of the landscape. It’s also a significant activity to welcome spring into your home’s landscape.Now that you are all geared up for spring clean-up, it’s time to sell your services.

Before you do, this could also be a great time to invest in lawn care business software and build your own online shop. This will allow you to give fully automated and customized spring clean-up quotes to your customers.Finally, get ready to enjoy spring with a beautiful and healthy landscape.

March is the time you should look forward to with homeowners investing to get their lawns done as the snow melts away.Did we miss any spring clean-up service? Let us know in the comments below.