March 30, 2023

5 To-Do's To Bring In More Landscaping Contracts

Business Management
5 To-Do's To Bring In More Landscaping Contracts

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Do you want to learn how to win more landscaping contracts? As a commercial landscaping business owner, finding and winning new contracts is essential to the success of your business. While there are many strategies you can use to bring in more landscaping contracts, the following five to-dos are proven ways to attract new clients and grow your business.

How to bring in more landscaping contracts?

Learn how you too can adopt these tactics and experience tremendous growth in your business.

While scaling your landscaping business by acquiring commercial equipment and hiring skilled workers is crucial, it's equally important to focus on finding relevant bids and winning them. Neglecting this aspect can render your efforts in scaling the business futile since winning commercial landscaping contracts is essential for healthy growth.

Develop a rewarding referral program

Word of mouth is one of the most powerful marketing tools for any business, especially in the commercial landscaping industry. When your current clients refer you to others, it helps build trust and credibility in your business and makes it easier to win new contracts.

To encourage your clients to refer your business to others, you should develop a rewarding referral program. This program should offer incentives to clients who refer new business to you, such as discounts on their next service or a cash reward. You can also offer bonuses to employees who bring in new business i.e., more landscaping contracts.

Commercial landscaping businesses can score more referrals in the following ways:

Provide value-for-money services for winning more landscaping contracts

Property managers are more likely to refer a commercial landscaping business if they feel that the services provided are worth the money they pay. Therefore, it is crucial to provide quality services that meet or exceed their expectations. The landscaping business can consider offering customized packages based on the specific needs of the property and providing timely and efficient services that save property managers time and money.

Build strong relationships

Account managers can play a significant role in building strong relationships with property managers. They should aim to understand the needs and goals of the property managers and ensure that the services provided align with those needs. Communication is key, so account managers should keep property managers informed about the status of ongoing projects, respond promptly to their queries, and address any concerns they may have.

Incentivize referrals

Commercial landscaping businesses can offer incentives to encourage property managers to refer their services to others. For instance, they can offer discounts or free services for each successful referral or provide loyalty rewards to property managers who refer them regularly. These incentives can be personalized to the needs of each property manager, making them feel valued and appreciated.

Provide excellent customer service for winning more landscaping contracts

The customer experience is critical in driving referrals. A commercial landscaping business should provide excellent customer service by being responsive, professional, and accommodating to property managers' needs. They should be available to answer questions, provide advice, and offer solutions that exceed expectations.

Ask for referrals

Sounds like a no-brainer? Yes. However, it is essential to ask for referrals. Property managers may not think to refer a landscaping business unless they are asked. The business can reach out to property managers after completing a successful project and ask if they know of any other properties that may need their services. A follow-up email or phone call can also be made to ask for referrals and offer incentives for doing so.

Don’t trust us, trust the numbers. According to a study by the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, referred customers are 18% more likely to stay with a business long-term than customers acquired through other means. But that’s not it! Referred customers have a 16% higher lifetime value than non-referred customers.

Hence, make sure to promote your referral program to your existing clients and encourage them to share it with their friends and colleagues. You can also promote your referral program on your website and social media channels to attract new clients.

Estimate jobs accurately to price jobs right & win landscaping contracts

Estimating jobs accurately is essential for pricing your services correctly and ensuring that you are profitable. Before you submit a bid for a commercial landscaping job, you should take the time to estimate the cost of the job accurately.

To do this, you will need to consider the time and materials required for the job, as well as any additional costs, such as equipment rentals or permits. You should also consider the profit margin you want to make on the job and factor this into your bid.

By estimating jobs accurately, you can ensure that you are pricing your services correctly. Why is this important? Because 67% of landscapers said that they have lost a bid because of pricing. 

With accurate estimates, besides winning more landscaping contracts, you avoid underestimating your costs, which can result in losses for your business. 

Moreover, if you have ushered in losses due to lowered pricing, you won’t be alone. 57% of landscapers said that they have lowered their prices to win a bid. You can avoid this. After you figure out what the client wants, the next step to getting commercial landscaping jobs is to make a detailed proposal to land landscaping contracts. This means calculating the amount of supplies and labor needed, estimating the cost of the project, understanding the estimated vs actual costs, and how long it will take. Your pricing should reflect how good your work is.

You should also mention any certificates, training, or experience that shows how skilled your team is. This will help the client trust you more and could make them pick you instead of a rival business.

Prepare a commercial landscaping bid timeline, follow-ups included for winning landscaping contracts

Preparing a commercial landscaping bid timeline is crucial to winning new landscaping contracts. When you receive a request for a bid, you should have a plan in place to ensure that you submit your bid on time and follow up with the client.

To create a bid timeline, start by reviewing the requirements of the job and the deadline for submitting your bid. Then, break down the steps required to prepare your bid, such as estimating costs, doing production planning, developing a proposal, and reviewing the proposal with your team.

44% of salespeople give up after one follow-up, while 80% of sales require five follow-ups. But make sure to build in time for follow-ups with the client to answer any questions they may have and address any concerns. 

By following up with the client, you can demonstrate your commitment to their project and increase the likelihood of winning the contract. Besides, 69% of buyers accepted a meeting or phone call with a salesperson who followed up at least once.

Data is telling. It reveals that you are leaving money on the table if your sales team doesn’t follow up with your client. 

Focus on high-value accounts for more landscaping contracts

Not all landscaping contracts are created equal. Some contracts may require more time and resources than others, and some may be more profitable than others. To maximize your profits and grow your business, you should focus on high-value accounts.

High-value accounts are clients who require regular, ongoing landscaping + maintenance services and have a high budget for their landscaping needs. Amid commercial properties, you can single out office buildings, shopping centers, or hospitals in a targeted geography based on the following:

A large number of potential enhancement projects

Commercial landscaping businesses can target clients who have a large number of potential enhancement projects. These clients may have larger properties or multiple properties that require ongoing maintenance and upgrades. Landscaping businesses can offer services such as landscape design, installation, hardscaping, and maintenance to increase the value and aesthetic appeal of the property.

The goal is to establish long-term relationships with these clients and become their go-to provider for all their landscaping needs.

The property manager manages a number of high-value properties

Landscaping businesses can target clients who are managed by a Property Manager and have a portfolio of high-value properties. Property Managers are responsible for ensuring that their properties are well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing.

By partnering with Property Managers, your business can provide a wide range of services, such as landscape design, maintenance, and installation. Building relationships with Property Managers can potentially help you receive a lot of business over the long term.

A higher proportion of "high margin" work like fertilization vs. low margin work like mowing

Landscaping businesses can focus on clients who require a higher proportion of "high-margin" work like fertilization, pruning, and pest management, rather than low-margin work like mowing. 

High-margin work typically requires specialized knowledge and expertise, and clients are often willing to pay a premium for these services. By focusing on high-margin work, landscaping businesses can increase their profitability and build long-term relationships with clients who value the quality of their services.

By focusing on high-value accounts, you can build long-term relationships with your clients and generate consistent revenue for your business. Typically, high-growth professional services firms (such as landscaping businesses) are 60% more likely to have a defined target client than their slower-growth counterparts. Having a defined target client means you can 3 times faster than firms without one.

Maintain competitive pricing for winning landscaping contracts

Competitive pricing is essential for winning new landscaping contracts. While you don't want to undercut your competitors, you also don't want to price yourself out of the market. 75% of landscaping companies surveyed reported increasing their prices after 2021.

To set competitive pricing, you should research your competitors and the local market to determine the average price for similar landscaping services. You can also consider offering discounts or promotions to attract new clients and differentiate your business from your competitors.

Remember that pricing is not the only factor that clients consider when choosing a landscaping provider. You should also focus on providing high-quality services, exceptional customer service, and building long-term relationships with your clients.

72% of surveyed landscaping businesses reported increased costs for labor and 69% reported increased costs for materials. Hence, make sure that any price hikes are justified well in front of your customer.

Bonus Tip: Expand your services; welcome new landscaping contracts

Expanding your service areas is another way to bring in more landscaping contracts. While it may be tempting to focus on your immediate area, expanding your service areas can help you reach new clients and grow your business.

To expand your service areas, start by researching the kind of services that are witnessing high demand in your targeted areas. Tap into locations with a high concentration of commercial properties, such as office parks, shopping centers, or industrial parks. 

You can also identify what new services to offer by looking at:

Analyzing competition for winning landscaping contracts

By analyzing your competition's offerings, commercial landscaping businesses like yours can identify gaps in the market that you can fill with innovative add-on services. You can also discover areas where you might be falling behind your competitors and work to improve your offerings in those areas.

To analyze the competition's offerings, businesses should research their websites, social media profiles, and marketing materials. They can also conduct secret shopper visits to their competitor's properties to see what services they are offering on-site.

After identifying areas where you can improve or innovate, commercial landscaping businesses can begin to develop new services that meet the needs of their customers and set them apart from the competition.

Analyzing property manager requests

Another way commercial landscaping businesses can add new services to their portfolio is by analyzing the requests of property managers. Since property managers are the direct customers of commercial landscaping businesses, it's important to understand their needs and preferences.

When submitting proposals to property managers, businesses should pay close attention to the services that they are requesting. You should also ask questions to understand the property manager's pain points and identify opportunities to offer new or enhanced services that will address those pain points.

For example, if a property manager requests regular lawn maintenance, but also expresses frustration with the amount of time it takes to manage landscaping vendors, a commercial landscaping business might offer an all-in-one landscaping service that includes lawn maintenance, tree care, and irrigation management, all managed by a single point of contact.

Here are some examples of a wide range of services and add-ons to win more landscaping contracts:

Landscape design

Offering landscape design services can set your business apart from competitors and help you win more high-value contracts. Many commercial property owners and managers are looking for landscape companies that can offer creative and customized design solutions to enhance their properties.


In addition to traditional landscaping services like lawn care and tree/shrub maintenance, many commercial property owners and managers are also interested in hardscaping services such as patios, walkways, and retaining walls. Offering hardscaping services can help you win more contracts and increase your revenue.

Irrigation systems

Irrigation systems are essential for maintaining healthy and vibrant landscapes, especially in areas with limited rainfall or strict water restrictions.

Offering irrigation installation and maintenance services can help you attract more commercial clients who are looking for comprehensive landscape solutions.

Seasonal cleanups

Many commercial properties require regular cleanups throughout the year, including leaf removal in the fall, snow removal in the winter, and spring cleanups. Offering seasonal cleanup services can help you win more contracts and provide ongoing revenue streams throughout the year.

Additional Read: Gear Up Your Spring Lawn Clean Up

Outdoor lighting

Outdoor lighting can enhance the beauty and security of commercial properties, making them more attractive to tenants and visitors. Offering outdoor lighting services can help you win more landscaping contracts and provide an additional revenue stream for your business.

Sustainable landscaping

More and more commercial property owners and managers are interested in sustainable landscaping practices, such as using native plants, reducing water usage, and using organic fertilizers. Offering sustainable landscaping services can help you win more contracts and position your business as a leader in environmentally-friendly landscape solutions.

Pest control

Many commercial properties require ongoing pest control services to maintain a healthy and attractive landscape.

Offering pest control services can help you win more contracts and provide an additional revenue stream for your business.

Lawn renovation

Over time, commercial properties may require lawn renovation services to restore damaged or unhealthy turf. Offering lawn renovation services can help you win more landscaping contracts and provide an additional revenue stream for your business.

Snow removal

While there are companies catering to snow removal needs, as a landscaping maintenance business, you can also add this to your portfolio. In areas with harsh winters, many commercial properties require regular snow removal services to ensure the safety and accessibility of their properties. Offering snow removal services can help you bring in more landscaping contracts and provide an ongoing revenue stream during the winter months.

Additional Read: 6 Snow Removal Tips to Make the Most Out of This Winter


In conclusion, implementing these five strategies can help you bring in more landscaping contracts and grow your business. By developing a referral program, accurately estimating jobs, preparing detailed bids, focusing on high-value accounts, maintaining competitive pricing, building relationships with local business owners, and expanding your services, you can increase your chances of winning commercial landscaping contracts. These tactics are sure-fire ways of ultimately leading to significant growth and repeat business for your business.


How do I get more landscaping contracts?

Here are some sure-shot ways you can win more landscaping contracts:

  • Develop a rewarding referral program
  • Provide value-for-money services
  • Estimate jobs right to price your jobs accurately and competitively
  • Incentivize referrals
  • Prepare a commercial landscaping bid timeline, follow-ups included
  • Focus on more high-value accounts
  • Expand your services, venture into new target locations

What is most profitable for the landscaping business?

For a landscaping business, winning commercial contracts is the most profitable strategy for scaling and growing the business. Focusing on finding and winning relevant bids is crucial as neglecting this aspect can hinder efforts to acquire commercial equipment and hire skilled workers.

How can I increase my landscaping business revenue?

To increase revenue in a landscaping business, it's important to focus on bringing in more contracts. This can be achieved by developing a rewarding referral program, providing value-for-money services, building strong relationships, incentivizing referrals, providing excellent customer service, estimating jobs accurately, preparing a commercial landscaping bid timeline, focusing on high-value accounts, and maintaining competitive pricing.

Additionally, expanding services and analyzing competition and property manager requests can help attract new clients. Offering services such as landscape design, hardscaping, irrigation systems, seasonal cleanups, outdoor lighting, sustainable landscaping, pest control, lawn renovation, and snow removal can also help to bring in more revenue.